Monday, July 7, 2008

Live the Facebook Life

I have long forgotten
What real love feels like.
People send me love online-
Who needs it in real life?

I'v long forgotten pictures
That turned sepia with age.
Online albums are the thing-
"Click here to see next image".

I'v long forgotten fragrances
Of fresh hand-picked flowers.
I get so many of them online-
Why strain my smelling powers?

i'v long forgotten lullabies
That Papa used to sing to me.
I get iLike dedications now-
And the sound's better quality!

I'v long forgotten embraces
Shared over steaming coffe mugs.
We chat on "facebk msngr" now-
Minus the affectionate hugs.

I'v long forgotten flavours
Of champagne and wine.
"Boozemail" is so much safer-
You can't get drunk online!

Facebook life is so much better
Than violence and strife.
Come and escape reality-
Login and forget real life!


Anonymous said...

this one deserves a round of applause..everyone notices the change but who has the time nowadays...interesting the way one can send thousands of flowers visually (without fragrance) at a shot..

an invincible summer said...

i like this one... it somehow makes me miss the reall.... have we lost the art of making cards??... or even buying them for birthdays?...