Friday, April 13, 2007

Plastic Smiles

I'm tired of pretending to be happy when i'm not.
I seem to be losing everything that I've got.
Rejected, unwanted,
My dreams are haunted
By the madness in my life
And internal strife
That's killing me for years.
I'm bleeding silent tears,
Of hatred and regret.
How can i forget
Broken vows, shattered dreams?
I hear the screams
Echo in my head
Of hateful things that people said.
Deafening silence,suffocating air
Of the world that doesn't care.
I hate my life yet must I live
In a place I can't forgive
For all the pain it has inflicted.
Snatches of happines restricted
To plastic smiles in album pages
That veil the tears of ages...
Pretending to be happy when I'm not
Losing everything I've got.