The rain beats down like a hundred hooves
On rows and rows of shingled roofs
As the grey canopy of swirling clouds
Drapes the world in melancholy's shroud
Dripping eaves
Dripping leaves
The drumroll on the roof is steady
The rising scent is a heady
Mix of smells that tell the story
Of Nature in her carnal glory
Dripping eaves
Dripping leaves
The peacock's orgasmic mating cry
Syncopated with the moaning sky
Pulsates through the living grey
As they await the close of day
Dripping eaves
Dripping leaves
Onset of the stormy night
Flashes of ecstatic light
Lay bare the skin and lust
Of bodies made from Natures dust
Dripping eaves
Dripping leaves
Throbbing pace reaches its peak
The strongest wills turned weak
And they lie entwined beneath covers
Two consummated lovers
Dripping eaves
Dripping leaves
The rain beats on
Subsiding just ere dawn
Sunshine trickles in
Oblivious to their sin
Dripping eaves
Dripping leaves
The rain first waters the virgin bud
Then leaves a dangerous flood
Of remorse for an illegitimate bed
Shared before the twain were wed
Dripping eaves
Dripping leaves